NIACON, together with our entire team, are committed to the health and safety of our employees, trade contractors, clients, and the public. Our management team is committed to continuous improvement measures aimed at ensuring the highest degree of safety in our operations. An accident-free workplace is achieved through effective health & safety administration, education, and training.
NIACON ensures that everyone complies with our health & safety program both on site and at our main office. Our Joint Health & Safety Committee meets regularly to discuss proactive controls to keep our workers, subcontractors and visitors safe on our project sites. Site Superintendents work closely with, and under the direction of our Health & Safety Coordinator to ensure safe working conditions and practices.
It is imperative that we work collaboratively as a team and that we are proactive in our efforts to avoid injury, occupational illness, and damage to the environment. NIACON’s reputation as a provider of a healthy & safe workplace is reflected in our impressive health & safety record.
NIACON provides exceptional Supervisory training which includes: