Sudbury Catholic District School Board
Sudbury, ON
Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture
2017 Wood Design Award
Stipulated Sum
This project entailed the new construction of St David Catholic Elementary School, and was the winner of the 2017 wood design award for small institutions. The one-storey, 40,000 square foot building consisted of wood-frame structure, large glue laminated timber, standard lumber faming, and was successfully completed in 2015. This project required extensive pre-construction planning as the site required rock blasting and large amounts of earth and rock excavation, commonly conducted in areas surrounding the Canadian & Boreal Shield. The resources utilized in this project provided many resounding advantages including environmentally-friendly materials and long-term energy savings. The new school was required to include five classrooms, full-size gymnasium, library, staff lounges, two study rooms, resources room, reception space, and two kindergarten classrooms with barrier free washrooms.